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Sports Review Tennis Another disqualification in tennis. The Dracock’s punishment. He won’t play for 10 years! Another disqualification in tennis. The Dracock’s punishment. He won’t play for 10 years! Tennis Court, Leny Mitjana (Photo: Instagram) and ITIA statement ( Tennis Court, Lena Mitjana (Photo: Instagram) and ITIA statement ( (Photo: Victor Joly/AFP) The Dracock’s punishment…
The Dracock’s punishment has been maintained! Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has just made a decision on two players suspended for violations of the Tennis Corruption Prevention Programme (TACP). While Dragos Madaras can talk about happiness, the ten-year penalty for 30-year-old Leny Mitjna is unequivocal with the end of his career.
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Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has just made a decision on two players suspended for violations of the Tennis Corruption Prevention Programme (TACP).
Draco’s punishment for Mitjana. The French can end his career
Dragos Madaras, a Swedish tennis player, can talk about the easing of punishment – his suspension has been shortened from four and a half years to two years. Lena Mitjan from France was slightly less fortunate and the 10-year ban on the game remained in force.
Madaras, who was still in the top 200 ATP rankings in 2023, was punished for not working with anti-corruption authorities. However, CAS decided that the original punishment was too severe. Its suspension began in August 2023 and will last until mid-2025.
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