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Nowe wieści o nominacji Andrzeja Dudy do MKOl! “Nie ma konfliktu”

New Igrzyska olimpijskienews about the appointment of Andrzej Duda to the IOC! “There is no conflict.” New news about the nomination of Andrzej Duda to the IOC! “There is no conflict.” Andrzej Duda Andrzej Duda (Photo: Damian Burzykowski / / Radosław Piesiewicz spoke about the future of Andrzej Duda. For weeks, he has…
New Igrzyska olimpijskienews about the appointment of Andrzej Duda to the IOC! “There is no conflict.”
New news about the nomination of Andrzej Duda to the IOC! “There is no conflict.”
Radosław Piesiewicz spoke about the future of Andrzej Duda. For weeks, he has been roaring from rumors that the President would like to apply for the position of an IOC member. “We are now waiting for the verdict of the committee, which must recommend the President” – revealed the President of the Polish Olympic Committee.
For more information, see the Onet Sports Review
In December, the PKOl Management Board adopted a resolution recommending the filing of President Andrzej Duda as a member of the International Olympic Committee. We informed about the details of the whole process, which was quite controversial. The IOC for the Sports Review Onet expressed “the embaritions with the disclosure of the candidacy first through the media”, after which he added that “There is no proposal for an additional member of the IOC in Poland, which could be considered by the IOC’s Electoral Commission before the IOC Session in March”.
Further string of material under video
Radosław Piesiewicz, President of the Polish Olympic Committee, who is the main candidate of Duda, revealed what the current situation with the future of the President of the Republic of Poland looks like.
Radosław Piesiewicz talks about the candidacy of Andrzej Duda
— Bardzo bym chciał, żeby Andrzej Duda został członkiem rzeczywistym MKOl. Jest osobą bardzo kompetentną, spełnia wszystkie uwarunkowania. Czekamy teraz na werdykt komisji, która musi zarekomendować Andrzeja Dudę. Mam nadzieję, że zostanie to przegłosowane i zostanie członkiem rzeczywistym MKOl, to byłoby dla nas bardzo korzystne, zwłaszcza jak słyszymy z obozu władzy, że chcielibyśmy aspirować do organizacji igrzysk. Nie zabiera pan prezydent miejsca Mai Włoszczowskiej, ona jest z komisji zawodniczej do 2028 r., tu nie ma żadnego konfliktu — powiedział Radosław Piesiewicz w rozmowie z Bogdanem Rymanowskim w Polsat News.