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Breaking News: Does Taylor Swift Deserves All The Critics And Hates She’s Getting This Days?…



Breaking News: Does Taylor Swift Deserves All The Critics And Hates She’s Getting This Days?…

I have been a swiftie for 6 years now, I knew her since I heard the song “I Knew You Were Trouble” back in 2013. Her music saved my life so much. Taylor changed my life in various ways I could not imagine. Taylor, my family and my friends are the people I love the most in my life.

And because I’m a fan of Taylor, I always feel bad for Taylor whenever she gets dragged, hated, dissed… I once told some of my classmates that I like Taylor, and they laughed at me. They said things like “Taylor’s music is trash, overrated… She is lame…”

Why does Taylor gets so much hate even though she does not deserve the hate? So I know that a lot of people hate Taylor because of her feud with “that family”, she got accused of the things she didn’t do. And even if the truth came out, people could not think different about Taylor. They still hate her.

There are also some other things that make people hate Taylor like the accusation of Taylor copying Beyonce for her BBMAs, her cover of September, the accusation of her being some type of white supremacists or white feminists… (WHICH SHE NEVER BE). These things do not make any sense about why people hate and slander Taylor so much. Taylor never tries to create any drama of her life. She is like one of the nicest people in the world and she always does great things for the society so I never understand why people hate her, and that makes me kinda sad daily.

I also see that Taylor seems does not get the same respects as other female artists either. Female artists like Beyonce, Rihanna, Ariana, Gaga, Katy, Adele, Mariah… get praised constantly on Twitter, Youtube… while Taylor gets hated a lot. Now, don’t get me wrong. I LOVE THE FEMALE ARTISTS that I mentioned.

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